Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Zombies and the Exit Letter

Second to fighting off the Zombie Apocalypse, the Exit Letter can be a very difficult thing to do. Unless of course you work at the worst place in the world and absolutely hate everything . In which case…well, you probably wouldn’t write a letter. 

But, if you did happen to make a few friends at work and the day comes for you to open Outlook, you may find yourself struggling with how to start and what to say. Sure, you’ve got to be professional, but as soon as it starts to sound fake or phony, people will know. Also, this may be the last shot you'll have at saying thanks to all the people you’ve enjoyed working with over the last couple months or years—the ones who stayed late and walked out to the garage with you long after the sun had gone down. The ones who would hold you tight when things really got ugly and would tell you everything's gonna be alright because they're “ready” for when the Zombie Apocalypse kicks off.
Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
  1. If you’re not going to say something nice, don’t say anything.
  2. Drop names...of GOOD people.
  3. Keep it genuine, but keep it short.
  4. No whining about the past. Focus on what's ahead.
  5. Let them know how to reach you.

Of course, feel free to add any personal touches, but be careful. Your friend may not want everyone knowing he has a flame thrower under the desk with the safety button OFF so in his words, “When the zombies start movin’ in, we’ll be ready”.

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