Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vaya Con Dios, Trigger (Driving to Phoenix)

Leaving out of El Paso it’s only a few minutes before the sign for entering New Mexico. 
Sign entering New Mexico.

The mountain scenery changes. This is the land of the Apache where Geronimo roamed (and judging by how vast it is, he probably roamed for a long loooooong time). There’s a tourist information center just after you cross into New Mexico which’s a great spot for pictures. 
The land where Geronimo roamed...and roamed...

On the road with the Che audiobook, I learned all the pranks Che pulled as a kid (including shooting firecrackers into a dinner party). The sun was dropping as I drove into Tucson when I got a call from Marissa, giving me directions to her place in Phoenix.
Pictures taken at 70 mph are not guaranteed to be clear.

Staying with friends is the best way to travel. I got to meet Whiley, Marissa’s husband. We grilled. We ate. We drank. Did you know there's a vodka made out of pineapples?!! I also met Trigger. 
A dog named Trigger.

Trigger is a rescue dog Marissa saved and is convinced Trigger knows this. She’s still a puppy and has that level of energy. She also sings, but she won't just sing anything. It has to be Jimmy Buffet's Vaya Con Dios. She’ll stand in front of the speaker, tilt her head, and wail. But don't take my word for it...

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