Monday, September 24, 2012

Bright Light Social Hour at the Bootleg Bar

The Bright Light Social Hour played a show Friday Night at Bootleg Bar and, after missing them back in April, I wasn’t going to miss a second chance to see the group that won several awards during Austin's SXSW 2011, including Album of the Year and Band of the Year, and earned them a spot as one of the best bands to come storming out of Austin since The Black Angels. Still, it's always interesting to see just how well bands do on the road, away from the home crowd of family and friends-when the music really has to stand on its own. To be fair, music crowds in Los Angeles can be hit or miss with some people showing up as fans of musical style and stage performance and others coming out to show off their new outfit. So the draw for me was two fold, wanting to see the band and wanting to find a bar where the people are more into the music being played onstage and less into who's in the crowd.

Like many good music clubs, Bootleg Bar is a little bit off the beaten path, located in Silver Lake, a small part on the eastside of L.A. There are two stages at Bootleg: one in between the bar and the front entrance (similar to the old Emo’s indoor stage in Austin) and the main stage in the very back. I'd read several reviews of the club with a few complaints...the acoustics weren't very good, there's no A.C., there's no place to sit... 
This is not the case. There is A.C. The acoustics are fine. Sure, there's some construction as the club tries to make improvements (most of which are complete), but the sound was fine and  there's plenty of theater style seating toward the back with a good sight line to the stage. If you’re more into standing, there’s plenty of room on the clubs large dance floor, which was where most people were for the Bright Light Social Hour performance. Truth be told, with the high energy this band puts out, you almost have to force yourself to stay seated while they're playing. Just about everyone was out on the floor for the entirety of the show, most of them dancing, jumping up and down, and singing along with the climax of the night being a toss up between the extended version of the band's song, Back and Forth, which featured bassist and vocalist, Jack O'Brien, in a call-and-response between and the crowd going back-and-forth with, “We don’t give a damn and we don’t give a f---”  and Joseph’s drum solo. 
Which he killed.
Playing so fast most of my pictures are blurred.

The band's look is a little different (longer hair and more beards), but the sounds only gotten better. The guys have even landed an upcoming outdoor show at Stubb’s on Saturday, Sept. 29. Playing the outdoor stage at Stubb's is a big step for any band-on any night. But, playing the outdoor Stubb's stage on a Saturday night, is a very big step. With the amount of energy the band brings onstage, it's not hard to figure out how they've earned such a spot. I’ve seen these guys perform on several occasions and every time they have given it their all. Beginning to end, they’re impressive, with A.J. being one of the most entertaining guys on keys, creating sounds reminiscent of early Pink Floyd, Curtis shredding on guitar, and Joseph being one of the best drummers touring today. Period. And, of course, there's Jack. A showman who has more fun on stage than most 99% of musicians I’ve seen. Really rock n roll could use a few more mustache smiles. Add to this how the band members are more than happy to meet folks after the show and talk shop, grinning ear to ear as they tell you about their new guitars, or just to say thanks for coming to the show, it's no surprise they're playing the outdoor stage on Saturday night. The only question is why hasn't it happened sooner. 

Keep your eyes out and your ears open for a new album in Spring 2013. If it’s anything like their last it’ll be solid back-to-front.

To learn more about the band, check out their site: