Monday, March 12, 2012

One Month, Many Lessons

It's been one month since I first arrived in Los Angeles. After the unpacking, there was some award show a few blocks away where a bunch of people got dressed up and walked down this red carpet--Even I walked on this carpet...but I was wearing a hoodie so that's not exactly "dressed up". Anyways, somehow I've managed to learn a couple of things in the past couple weeks.

1. Parking Is An Adventure!-You may not believe it, but finding parking here is about as easy as finding a leprechaun carrying a winning lottery ticket while riding on a [insert magical mythical creature...bonus points if people have to google it]. A friend of mine told me, "Getting parking tickets is just a part of living in L.A." I was sure I could avoid getting a ticket. And I did. FOR A WHOLE DAY!

These are almost FREE here.

2. Learn to Use Blocks-There are good blocks, bad blocks, blocks for day, and blocks for night.
 While Hollywood Blvd. has gotten a lot of cleanup since the years past, there are certain streets you don't want to go wandering down after dark. During the day time you can pretty much go wherever you want, but once the sun goes down stick to Hollywood Blvd. That is, unless you've got a dog. Mugging someone with a dog is a total pain.
Hotel Mark Twain with fuzzy neon.

3. Embrace the Hoodie-Yes, the weather in Los Angeles is amazing...most days. But there's still some chilly weather. Since I arrived, there have been at least three cold fronts. The lows this week will be in the 40's and, unless you're from Green Bay, that's not exactly T-shirt weather. This means you have plenty of opportunities to break out those hoodie sweatshirts.
HOODIE...on the red carpet.